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Powernets video conferencing solution, Meet, is the perfect tool to stay connected with FREE offers available.

Secure Remote Work Technology 



Enable your employees to connect remotely with easy to use communication tools. Learn about our cloud phone, video conferencing tools and the security solutions you need to keep your data safe.  

Ensure business continuity with secure remote work technology. Watch our remote work technology webinar to learn more. 


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Recieve and manage calls from a laptop or mobile device with our Cloud Phone Solution. Ensure you are in constant contact with employees and customer with the opportunity to add face-to-face video conferencing. 

*30 day Premium seat upgrade for Standard seat pricing, new & existing customers

Managed Services

At Home Edition 

As companies continue to transition employees to remote working, we are seeing more IT departments working around the clock to ensure employees have the necessary technology to efficiency and effectively work remote.

With Powernets Managed Services, we act as an extension of your IT team, proactively taking care of routine IT infrastructure, monitoring and managing around the clock so you can focus on growing your business.

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